Finding Perfection

Perfection. Something we all crave, but something that’s impossible to be. Hemingway was right when he said ‘The first draft of anything is shit.’ At this moment, he was talking about writing and creating but recently I’ve interpreted it another way.

I’m going to steer away from screenwriting and television for a moment. In all honesty I have been struggling with my ideas and writing – writers’ block has fully taken hold. I’m not completing any first drafts but merely waiting for that perfect idea, that epiphany. I’m becoming impatient and frustrated with creativity, fighting with it instead of moulding it. You could almost compare me to Anakin Skywalker and his frustration with the ‘Force’: now I definitely don’t want to turn into Darth Vader!

The quest for transcendence has taken over, eating away at everything else. That first draft is always going to be shit. All we need to do is keep polishing and polishing; it’s the same with life. You’ll try something for the first time and most of the time you’ll fail and other times you’ll succeed beyond what you’d first imagined.

All we can do is keep trying.